Fish, crustaceans, small anacondas, and caimans. At night, sea otters may choose either to sleep on land or simply to rest afloat near beds of kelp. Sea otters live in a cold ocean environment and rely on two traits to keep warm: a dense fur coat for insulation and very high metabolism to generate body heat. When Do Raccoons Have Babies? Some of these animals have hard shells, which protect them from predators. Sediment in parts of the bay is laced with methylmercury and polychlorinated biphenyls, toxic chemicals that accumulate in the clams, crabs and other animals that sea otters eat. Where Do Raccoons Go During the Day? Sea otters eat a wide range of marine animals, including mussels, clams, urchins, abalone, crabs, snails and about 40 other marine species, equaling approximately 25 percent of their weight in food each day, according to Defenders of Wildlife. The sea urchin’s main predators are crabs, lobsters, starfish, eels, sea otters, birds, and a number of large fish. These mammals have whiskers, which they use to spot their prey by detecting vibrations in the water. What Do Sea Otters Eat? All in all, the sea otter preys on at least 100 different marine species. Those that have offspring may hunt more because it takes a great deal of milk to feed their young. Sea otters are members of the weasel or mustelid family. When they are hungry for larger game, otters will … They often eat sea urchins, mollusks, crabs, some kinds of fish, mussels, chitons, scallops, sea ears and stars. From urchin to crab, worm and clam, oct... Sea otters eat A LOT of food. Otters are mammals classified under the family Mustelidae. Sea Otters typically eat amphibians, smaller fish, mollusks, mussels, snails, and smaller underwater creatures. What Are The Building Blocks of Proteins? Sea otters will eat virtually anything they can get their little paws on. – Complete Guide to African Elephant Diet, African Bush Elephant Habitat – Habitat Features & Characteristics, Where Do African Elephants Live? Besides, they also prefer to eat crabs, large barnacles, mussels, snails, tubeworms, clams, squid, octopuses, chitons, scallops, sea cucumbers, sea stars and abalone. The 13 otter species are members of the Mustelidae, or weasel, family and live in and out of water.For example, river otters reside along streams and waterways in freshwater areas within North America, and endangered sea otter inhabit the coasts along the Northern Pacific Ocean. Their body shape aids in helping them make sudden turns to catch fish and other prey. By eating sea urchins, the sea otter helps in conserving the kelp forests, one of the world’s most productive ecosystems. Where Do Otters Fit in the Animal Food Chain? River otters belong to the weasel family. – Arctic Fox Predators, How Long Do Arctic Foxes Live? The giant river otters have also been noted to feed on small anacondas and caimans. | Snow Leopard Diet, What Do Malayan Tigers Eat? They aren’t vegetarians—they typically eat the things that eat the actual kelp (sea urchins). What do sea urchin eat is similar to what pencil sea urchin consumes. What do otters eat? This system traps a layer of air next to their skin so their skin does not get wet. This is because they lack blubber or layer of fat under the skin (just like in other marine mammals) and so, they have to gorge on the food to keep themselves warm enough to survive. Reptiles : Similarities and Differences,, Plasma Membrane Functions, Composition, & Structures. They will probably be wrapped in kelp beds. The younger otters are more vulnerable to predators who include but are not limited to coyotes, dogs, cougars, bears, and bobcats. Sea otters are foragers that eat mostly hard-shelled invertebrates, including sea urchins and a variety of clams, mussels, and crabs. 68 Different Types of Doctors & What They Do? How Many Babies Do They Have? Otters eat from 15% to 25% of their body weight each day. Upon returning to the surface, they float on their backs, with the rock on the stomachs. If it finds a hard-shelled prey, the sea otter will hammer it against the rock. They open the shells of some of their prey, with stones and a piece of wood. They also eat small mammals and birds. As prey, otters provide a great source of nutrients to animals that hunt them for food. – White Tiger Evolution, What Do African Elephants Eat? It can chew and swallow small mussels with their shells, whereas large mussel shells may be twisted apart. It is used for storing the food as the animal picks off snails from the sea floor and brings them up to the water surface. Otters’ diets vary according to what season it is, where their habitat is situated, and even according to species. About 13 otter species have been described. They eat about 25% of their weight in food each day due to their accelerated metabolism. This tail serves to propel the otters through water. Thus, the sea otter is one of the very few mammals to make an effective use of tools (t… Captured prey is eaten at sea while the otter swims on its back. This inc… The sea otter’s high metabolic rate helps them to stay warm – to fuel it each day, they have to eat 20-30% of their body weight in food! As the sea otter floats on its back, it rips the prey apart and dine on it through its forepaws. You have entered an incorrect email address! – Snow Leopard Lifespan, What Do Snow Leopards Eat? Cite this article as: "What Do Otters Eat?," in. Sea urchins are also sought after by humans as a delicacy in some areas of the world. What do Otters Eat? What Do Otters Eat? River otters eat mostly frogs, crabs, crayfish, fish and mollusks. These carnivores eat a variety of seafood, such as fish, frogs, crayfish, crabs and mollusks. They typically use … Their fur actually consists of two layers, an undercoat and longer guard hairs. These are mostly distributed in almost every continent except for Australia and Antarctica. Can Mice Jump? Do They Carry Diseases? What’s more, this unique pouch of skin can also carry a rock, which in turn, is used to pry open clams or shellfish thereby pulling out the meal from within. This mammal has also been known to dine on ducks, small birds (ducks), shrews, reptiles, swans, geese, mollusks, and coots. Because they are not exposed to predators, and do not have to forage for prey, they are provided with environmental enrichment in their habitat to keep them entertained.