Without the tight integration with Windows offered by some other products, it is vulnerable to changes in file and folder structure by other file managers. These systems are highly sophisticated, often including Web browser access, automated disposal, and elaborate permissions support. The Office OneNote application provides facilities for storage of files, notes, and drawings within a single, unified application environment. More Info », Import CSV data Data export/import Windows Explorer integration File management File Tagging Folder Tagging Hierarchical structure Hierarchical tagging Search by tags Tagging Windows Explorer extension Tags can then be entered as a comma-separated string, or already-defined tags applied. The application name is descriptive, but not distinctive, and search results for it do not easily lead to the download site. Free basic functionality, cross-platform. Finding electronic documents and emails can be a problem. It seems to work pretty well, though, as long as it is an Office file. New categories can be defined by right-clicking in this pane or added hierarchically to a category by right-clicking on it and selecting New Category from the context menu. This can allow the creation of tags with singular and plural forms, which can be confusing. The ability to run on Macs will be attractive to graphics and design professionals using this platform. This means that files accessed on an external drive will only be visible if the drive mapping letter is unchanged. Looking for yet another tagging product a found tagging from connectpaste (https://tagging.connectpaste.com). The Search and Tag functionality is a Windows application, but many operation can be done from within Explorer. XYplorer has been providing some pretty sophisticated tagging features for years already, as can be seen in this article: https://www.xyplorer.com/tour.php?page=tags. These can be created hierarchically in the message view and the Inbox can be filtered by label as shown below: Gmail Labelling (left) and filtering by label (right). These sets allow categories to be grouped for ease of access when large numbers of categories have been created – clicking on the buttons shown in them puts the selected item into the Category. MP4 Video & Audio Tag Editor is a powerful free to use software by 3delite. Tigo Tago, abcAVI Tag Editor, and FFMPEG are my favorite video tag editor software. Tabbles offers multi-user operation via the cloud or a Local Area Network and read-only access via the new Web application. I just read your analysis in your main article, that's very nice. It costs US$39.95 for a license, which is required for operation after a 14-day free trial period. XnView 4.5 Stars for its customisation and wider range of features. Tags are also stored as text within file names, making it possible for any user without SetTags installed to find tagged files using the native operating system. However, It doesn't handle PDF files, and the latest version is a yearly toll rather than software you buy. Whilst its creator may be able to use it effectively, other people will have considerable difficulty, despite its worthy aims. Tag any kind of file or folder. However, if you download all your Google Photos images in a 'takeout', the downloaded images are grouped into folders corresponding to albums which you have created and each image file in the album is accompanied by a .json file which includes much of the file metadata, including any description data you may have put in. The authors concluded that neither tagging nor folders was superior to the other for information retrieval: best results were achieved by combining their use. Categories can be grouped as Category Sets, although the addition of categories can only be done via Search – there is no support for creation by browsing and selecting. Tagging can also be performed within the application, or by dragging file or folders on to tags within the application tag tree. Files, folders or emails sharing a tag (or tags) can be shown by clicking on the tag list shown in the file manager. However, the program still did not appear to work. I think it is very unfortunate that the ability to tag any file type apparently was removed after Windows 7 -- instead of extending it, for a future-proof, superior file management. I have digital photos, but also scanned documents. OrganizerMaX, a new product (2018) from US company Bitqueues is an ambitious product originating in the Mac world but also offering a Windows product which it claims is 'a perfect Windows Explorer Alternative [which] helps you with organizing the daily digital clutter'. The application has a detailed help file, but no link or email for support, although the Silkwood Software web page contains a contact email address. The main screen is as shown below. Only files from these applications can be tagged. The expected OK text within screen buttons is replaced by green text indicating the action to be executed. XYPlorer is a venerable file manager from the Cologne Code Company in Germany dating back to 1997. Will check it out. Tags can be automatically set using rules based on the file name, path or text content. The Windows application can be downloaded as an installer or as a Zip file containing a .exe file which can be run without installation. There are no help facilities other than the application tour, and there appears to be no way of deleting tags from the available list. There is no one best product for tagging files. It's a little overwhelming having so many options, so I'd like to ask; which one would you recommend for basic video tagging? A help facility, accessible from the first startup, which describes how to perform all the operations expected of such a program would be a great improvement. There appear to be a considerable number of features in ThatFile, but finding out what they are and how to use them is a matter of trial and error. The folder name is used as a tag when loading a group of files from a folder. This may result in a poorer information retrieval overall, as documents may be found either in the document management system or on a shared filesystem. It was not possible to create and apply new tags, making it of little interest as a tagging application. Tabbles is another heavyweight tagging product from Tag Forge IVS (based in Denmark and Switzerland), with a 70 Mbyte installer. Is looks somewhat simple but I found is a relief that it integrates with the explorer, so you don’t have yet another application. Files can be imported via the screen below: After, importing, files are shown as icons in the left panel, but there are no previews of non-image files. However, Dropbox and Google Drive repositories containing fewer files were scanned quickly. Application of tags and searching for tagged files and folders is performed on the Explorer and Search tabs respectively as shown below. The Confidential product from Tag Forge distinguishes tags indicating a level of confidentiality from others and provides a number of other features useful for data protection. Retrieval is via an Explorer search using the syntax "Tag:Tagname" in the search box in File Explorer. FileTag screen with several files and a folder tagged. The unlicensed version of Elyse can operate with up to 30 tags. Thank you very much for the beautifully up-to-date review of the tagging software. Database performance becomes a critical factor if many thousands of file links are stored. Help facilities are installed rather than web based, and the relatively recent release date makes it likely that support will be readily available. SmartView allows searching for different combinations of tags from Explorer. SetTags is an absolute ripper and delivered the desired outcomes but to our surprise the best features where hidden by our inability to expose valuable data/files/text that where hidden under many layers and generations of corporate labeling. It represents what File (once Windows) Explorer could have been. However, not all icons have text display of what the icon does when hovering over the icon. Wondershare UniConverter (originally Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate) is very powerful WAV tag editor software which is not only a tag editor but also comes with complete multimedia solution toolkit. The file manager display has 9 view modes, one of which resembles the Windows details view, but none provide previews of file content. If these are not present, Google Photos uses any location data present in photos taken at a similar time uploaded by the same user, on the basis that people do not move very fast. The best document management software even maintains an archive of old versions, letting you see how documents have changed over time and revert to an old version if needed. The addition of help and support features would greatly improve it. Ritt aims to make files and folders accessible using both a folder tree and a tag tree. Good preview, cloud-ready, tags readable without installed program, email and auto-tagging. No reviews yet for Tagging for Windows, want to be first? Tabbles also offers auto-tagging, allowing tags to be applied automatically on the basis of rules using file attributes including content, in a similar fashion to Microsoft Outlook rules. There are a lot of programs that only tag audio or video files. Tags are created by right-clicking Tag Group and then selecting New Tag from the context menu. TagSpaces is an open source personal data manager. RecentX has been very successful in streamlining access to previously opened objects, as a massive list of testimonials indicates. Its main screen is shown below: TagFlow is a work in progress, with a worthy and ambitious aim, but it is not yet at the stage of being recommendable. This software … However, the interface is complex enough to make it difficult to use effectively without help. The tag list can also be copied to the Clipboard for use in other applications. I also like the "tag deck" that you can set at the bottom with shortcuts for each tag so that you can add them quickly. Simon Kravis (author) from Canberra, Australia on April 01, 2020: Thanks for the pointer to XYPlorer - will add it to the review. It works quite well too, I might add. An example is below: Word File Information tab showing tag entry field. With it, you can organize and tag most of the popular audio formats, and it comes with a built-in player. Application of tags is achieved by clicking the tag icon after one or more files has been selected, but the tag icon remains greyed out after files have been selected. Most document management systems include search and tagging as well as hierarchical folder tree structuring of stored data. RecentX is a Windows-only product from Indian company ConceptWorld whose primary purpose is to improve on the Windows support for viewing and opening objects (files, folders, web sites, and programs) which have been recently used. This feature limits its usefulness as a tagging application, as does the fact that new tags must be defined for different classes of object. Tag Groups can be constructed by creating a group with the Edit->Tag Group option, and then selecting multiple tags, and adding to the tag group via a right-click option. Tagging is very much an extra feature on top of the basic RecentX functionality: unless an object appears in the list of those recently opened, it cannot be tagged. The asset management software gives you centralized access to your files… Clicking on the tag again deselects the tag. The program is written in Javascript and the downloaded executable file runs the application rather than an installer. You can even have multiple decks for different subjects! my case is i want to use an app for tagging, all my file is a mess. The Help facility contains only a short description of a few features. As a programmer-in-training(C++ aw yeah! The FileMeta installer for version 1.6 is not signed, resulting in a warning message appearing in Windows 10, and the program does modify Windows (or File) Explorer, which may be the reason for it being flagged as dangerous software on installation. Anyway, maybe with time we'll find the optimal method for "tagging for the masses" around here! I don't know about MacOS and Linux. For this reason, good help functionality is particularly important in tagging applications. There is good context-sensitive help available beside most buttons and menu options. With the exception of Google Photos, XnView MP, and Eagle, these photo management applications are not reviewed, as the complexity of their interfaces makes them unsuitable for general use. Many of the products implement a file manager, which runs over a single database rather than a filesystem, with elements of a folder hierarchy optionally treated as tags. Licensing to individual machines is fraught with problems that very expensive software solves with dongles. Simon has been involved in software development since the days of paper tape. And Tag stored in file for portability / future proof / easy import to database / or even cross platform. The program hung frequently during testing and could not be uninstalled. It requests access to Contacts, indexes files in any selected folders and generates tags based on file path elements, file type, date and size, and allows additional user tags to be created. Referring again to the Settings screen I found that not selecting a folder under the Permissions tab within which all tagged files would be found, results in Permissions denied messages when opening a file, and the failure of all tagging operations. The interface uses symbols rather than text for many functions, with text descriptions shown when the controls are hovered over. My ideal UI is like Adobe Lightroom Keyword. Warning messages may also appear when external drives or devices are plugged in. Once loaded, a group of files appears in as a new tab, and right-clicking after selecting one of more files allows tags to be added via the manage->tags option, or by clicking F3. Good auto-tagging, poor manual facility. However, the preview for folders and Office files merely shows a large icon. $ Feel free to send us your questions and feedback on hello@alternativeto.net, in our discussion forums, in our Discord channel or tweet us at @AlternativeTo, Made in Sweden, Fueled by great apps, coffee & good music, version: Release-20201230.2, //d2.alternativeto.net/dist/icons/tagging-for-windows_155392.png?width=36&height=36&mode=crop&upscale=false. TagTower's functionality is considerably less than other tagging software, including free products such as Tagging for Windows, and as such, it cannot be recommended. - Again, embedding in file seems... safest? Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives. FenrirFS is a free, file management program from a Japanese company Fenrir. Tagging for Windows was added by Rudu in It's possible to add a 'custom' thumbnail to any non-image or unsupported files. Whilst the Outlook tagging and email management functionality is not easy to access from application documentation, the product is so widely used that guidance is readily available. TagsToo is a free, open-source, multi-platform tagging program for files and folders from Spanish developer Pablo Andueza dating from 2017. Simon Kravis (author) from Canberra, Australia on July 08, 2019: Out of the reviewed products, SetTags is the only one which offers an Export facility, which does allow users to create copies of tagged files organised into folders with the names of tags. Tabbles claims 2000 organizational users, making it the probable brand leader in this domain. The only close enough is Daminion Free (Version 4) but, no good, still lack most I said above. For organizations, the un-discounted cost of €72 (US$82) per user per year has attracted some negative comments on the Capterra B2B software site, but reviewers are generally very happy with the product. Context sensitive help is available for many functions by hovering over a button or control and clicking F1, which shows the relevant part of a Windows Help file. Digitile Screen After Loading From Multiple Repositories. Being into computing since 1985, I am rather NOT overwhelmed by the sheer number of files, but facing the problem where to put them in which directories. The widely used Office applications Word, Excel and Powerpoint provide access to a Tags field, into which text can be inserted on the right-hand side of the screen shown by File-> Info. This is more robust than the database approach and allows tagged items to be retrieved on any platform using only native search, but changing the names of folders and files will result in files that are linked by paths (such as linked Excel spreadsheets) having their links broken. Long live SetTags! Enterprise and Web browser add-on versions are also available. File Tag's promotional material is intriguing, but after downloading, installing and running it I found that the program did not work was because I had not passed through the Settings screens, which are accessed by clicking the > symbol on the right-hand side of the first Settings screen. SetTags offers comparable capability, easy export of tagged files to external users and read-only tag access from any platform at a similar price. Especially since I use TiddlyWiki a lot, showing their content inside such a wiki, a simple structure would simplify linking. As the tag metadata is stored with the file, tagged files can still be found as long as they are in a location which is indexed. If the image is downloaded, the caption/tag information is not present. It is based on the image organizer XnView, which was first released in 1998. Google may be able to identify brands which are associated with you or people whom you photograph and use this to place certain ads before you through other channels. If you are not one, this is not software for you. Tag and annotate every file and folder Organize your photos, documents, music, recipes or invoices with tags in the same way on all platforms. $ This approach is more robust – copying or moving files by any method moves the tags along with the file. It provides extensive metadata information for images, as well as previews and some image processing, but its preview capability does not include Office files. As free versions of software frequently limit the number of files stored or the number of tags applied, it is difficult to test performance in this situation. ( version 4 ) but, no good, still lack most I said above if! Recent may be shown by selecting the desired category best file tagging software features license are available including rotation renaming! 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